Tonight I went to hear the Heritage Voices Choir sing their spring performance. It was absolutely wonderful to hear and very spiritually uplifting! One of the songs was especially touching, so I wanted to share it with you. It was sung as more of a reminder for us as Christian Americans to continually pray for our beautiful United States of America. We need to remember to true christian beliefs that this country was founded upon and pray that others do the same. Here are the words of the song they sang, to the tune of "O Beautiful For Spacious Skies".
Still Beautiful For Spacious Skies
Still beautiful for spacious skies, still amber waves of grain;
Still purple mountain majesties above the fruitful plain;
But, Lord, our hearts no longer see Thy scepter o'er our land.
We followed men who promised ease and built on sinking sand.
Yet Thou, in mercy, still dost wait to hear our contrite call,
For only Thou canst bless our land as we give Thee our all;
Then help us to confess our sin and leave our wicked ways,
To humbly seek Thy face in prayer and serve Thee all our days.
O cleanse and sanctify this land; Thy name keep ever here,
As we acknowledge Thee, our Lord, in reverential fear.
America, America, seek God on bended knee,
'Til Jesus Christ is lifted up from sea to shining sea.
Our leaders, Father, need Thy light, In mercy stretch Thy hand,
To guide us through the trackless night and save our periled land.
America, America, may God your faith restore,
'Til Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are praised from shore to shore.
(the author is currently unknown)